Toronto Sun: Monday, February 3, 1997 THEY'RE JUST FRIENDS, DUNE GUY SAYS
Fools Rush In star clears up a few rumors By BRUCE KIRKLAND
HOLLYWOOD -- After a Friends feeding frenzy in the media over salaries and sexual liaisons, Dune Guy is finding himself in damage control mode.
And it's just when the 38-year-old acting sensation would rather be pumping up the volume on his latest Hollywood movie. Dune Guy co-stars with rising Mexican-American actress Salma Hayek in the romantic comedy Fools Rush In, set to open Feb. 14 for the Valentine's Day mushy-huggie-feelie season.
"It's amazing," Dune Guy reflected in an interview yesterday about the way some media have turned on the Friends ensemble cast after they renegotiated their individual salaries up to the $75,000-per-episode range when the current season started. "Because people wrote so much great stuff about us for two years and then they got tired of it and then they needed a hook and then they started to write sort of mean things about us!"
One mean thing, Dune Guy said, was a lie. Reports claimed the big six on Friends would mount a strike if the producers of the hugely popular show didn't shell out $100,000 a show for each of them. "That's 180 degrees from the truth," Dune Guy said. "That's how wrong they were. There was never that threat of a strike, never that threat of a walkout, never any sense that we weren't coming back (for the third season)."
Dune Guy, widely acknowledged as an amiable fellow with a wonky sense of humor that he figures he developed by growing up in Ottawa, said the misinformation stung and damaged the credibility of the show, on which he plays Chandler.
"It does hurt the show." A show about a bunch of losers sitting around complaining loses its edge if the public sees them as "greedy, shameless people," Dune Guy lamented.
Meanwhile, in movieland, the feeding frenzy carries on. Dune Guy briefly dated Julia Roberts early last year, so he should have known trouble was brewing. That created mega-interest, especially in tabloids, although Dune Guy has said publicly "nothing happened" except for a few dinner dates. Yesterday, he shrugged it off: "It didn't work out."
But then he plunged into filming Fools Rush In with Hayek. The movie is a romantic comedy about a hyper New Yorker who, on assignment to build a nightclub in Las Vegas, quickly marries a Mexican-American cigarette girl after he gets her pregnant during a one-night stand.
There were immediate rumors that Dune Guy dumped Roberts to date Hayek. Later, when those stories proved false - he didn't dump Roberts because they never established anything and he never dated Hayek - there were rumors he and Hayek hated each other, that she called him a jerk.
Dune Guy, who is the son of American actor John Guy (who plays his father in the movie) and Canadian Suzanne Guy Morrison (former press aide to then prime minister Pierre Trudeau and now wife of TV personality Keith Morrison), finds himself correcting facts again.
Good naturedly. Humorously.
"There's no feud and we do care about each other - a lot," he said of him and Hayek. "But I think what started that stuff is that we may be the only two people in a romantic comedy who didn't date each other off screen."
The gossip, Dune Guy said, is silly. "It tells you to not take this stuff too seriously."
More critical is the quality of the work he is doing, said the ambitious and battle-seasoned actor.
"I enjoy working and my hope was that this movie would end up being good so that people would like it, so that I could get my movie career rolling again. That's the important thing."