The Further Adventures of Johnny Woonsocket
"Fell" by Judith Asaurus
A touching semi-autobiographical tale of vertigo.
"Women" by James Nagasaki
A tongue-in-cheek look at today's society.
"Monday" by Kaiser R. Royce
A T.S. Louis-esque look at state laws.
"Robody" by Sam Grass Hart
A fast-paced, liquid introduction of the now-legendary Robody.
"The Return of Robody" by Ice Storm
A colorful tale of dreams and decadence in the streets of Wu.
"Nunchuku" by Roman Mask
An insightful, revealing look at the world in which we love.
Don't you just "love" a bargain by Watchuset Lowe
A look at Johnny Woonsocket's more "sensitive" side.
A Sad Day and Naughty Rocket by Dark Heart
Based on the book by A.A. Frakes.
"Death Throw" by Jus d'Orangutan
A neverending story that's always moving and always so true.
"The Man, The Myth, The Monkey" by Soliloquy Togetherness
A wistful love-song that is part poem, part sonnet.
Johnny on the Moon by Trembling Willowbelly
A fun adventure for the whole family.
Brocktonville Blues by Rick Snapdragon
A detailed look at life in Brocktonville.
A Taxing Adventure by Wash Headache
A torrid story of betrayal and redemtion.
Extry, Extry: The ORIGINAL Johnny Woonsocket texts have been uncovered.
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