Begin Game!
This is no hack and slash! At the very beginning of the game the objectives and controls are not self-explanitory. This is not a button-masher so you'll have to use your noggin to get ahead! To begin the game you must point the rodent on the greenest grass, then your real quest shall begin!!
Move, Sir Legowmann! Move!
Guiding Sir Legowmann through Landlandia is no simple task! Use the North, South, East and West buttons on your input device to guide him on the path to victory!
Avoid Briks!
The Brik terrain type is an obstacle you must learn how to overcome. You aren't able to go through Brik (except with the SUPER INVISIBILITY CHEAT) so make sure you work on alternate routes to take you out of Brik's way!!
Keep Yer Cool!
Like all great quests there will be times when you don't know what to do. The best thing to do is relax and stay focused! Be observant and try anything NO MATTER HOW CRAZY IT MAY SEEM. And remember, this is a game so most importantly HAVE FUN!
Get the Crown!!
Do not get distracted by side-quests and obstacles. Once you solve a puzzle, get back to the main task at hand and find that bloody crown!