Jerry Bruckheimer Plot Generator

The Plot...

A train full of government secrets has been pilfered by a lunatic (Anthony Quinn). With the aid of a government explosives hacker, the NCRP hopes to intercept the pilfered technologies and return them to their native land. PETA, with the aid of Humphrey Speedgood (Nicholas Cage), must ski through the New Jersy Turnpike to deliver the borrowed nuclear warheads promptly to the Icelandic government.

As if it wasn't hard enough, he has a smidge less than 12 weeks to do it.

With the help of a grizzled weapons specialist (Jon Voight), our heroes must race through the Sahara Desert to return the pilfered government secrets promptly to the Argentinian military. The situation worsens as he realises that his little sister (Catherine Zeta-Jones) has been working with the the villain.

Also there is the zany tomfoolery of a jive talkin' soul brother (Chris Tucker) who when kidnapped by the the bad guys says: "What kinda fucked up situation is this?"

However this will prove difficult seeing that an old rival with a score to settle (Lawrence Fishburne) has information regarding his sordid past. Just as our heroes are leaving on their dangerous journey, they slowly lapse into a sing-along of Hotel California much to the disappointment of the NCAA .

At the final moment the President recites a speech to the governments of the world. As this dramatic grandstanding unfolds he says: " Drop the bombs, Commander." A PETA chemical specialist watching at home replies: "I just hope we're not too late."

Coming this winter.

This film is not yet rated.
Running time 163 minutes
Directed by: Wes Craven

Projected Critic Rating: 3 stars

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