The official Internet home of lovable scamps.

April 5, 2007


Lance and Eskimo Set Sail for Adventure

This is the first any only black and white cover. This was the placeholder for about a week while I prepared a small backlog to update every weekday. I kept up this pace through “Lance and Eskimo Set Sail For Adventure,” a kind of origin story/preamble to “Port Side Story,” and through “Port Side Story” itself. Lance is eating an apple, just as he is (less clearly) on the Lance and Eskimo mainpage, because he is awesome, and awesome people eat apples. The composition is supposed to echo that one stained glass window of Jesus leading the guy at the helm of a boat, but I’m not sure if that’s clear because it’s possible that stained glass window only exists at the First Universalist Church in Woonsocket, Rhode Island and nowhere else.

« « Lance and Eskimo and the Return of the Style Bullies Archive #2 It Was A Night Out » »

1 Comment »

    The image might only be in stained glass in Woonsocket, but I’ve seen it in other places, including a mural at the former Navy boot camp in Orlando and on holy cards / bookmarks. I think it’s pretty well known.

    Comment by BillyD — January 12, 2008 @ 8:50 am

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Lance and Eskimo, written & drawn by Laura Hughes. Webcomic 2007-present; stories & characters developed 1998-present. Come for the surreal parody, lovable scamps, and persistent homoeroticism, stay for the passing flashes of quality!

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