Oh, “guess the plot device”! That game whiled away some long hours at work.
Not that I do anything but work at work. Certainly not draw comics or redesign my comics displaying website.
Krys, Lance, and Eskimo sit in chairs in the hospital waiting area. Lance looks worried; Krys cheerful; Eskimo bored.
ESKIMO: …Aliens?
ESKIMO: …Time travel?
KRYS: It doesn’t have to be a sci-fi plot device.
ESKIMO (compassionately): Don’t you want to guess, Lance?
LANCE (preoccupied): I don’t know… alternate universe double?
KRYS: Yup, good job.
An orderly approaches, and Lance stands.
ORDERLY: OK, sir, I checked for you… Surgery went well… she’ll be good as new.
LANCE: Can I see her?
ORDERLY: Unfortunately, she’s given strict orders not to admit any men with short dark hair and leather jackets.
Lance thinks. In his imagination, he tosses his ridiculously long, shiny locks.
DREAM!LANCE: How do ya like me now?
Back in the real world:
ESKIMO: She’ll probably be out of here before your hair gets that long.
LANCE: Shh… I’m willing it.