Overall I think I’ll declare the weird black border a non-starter, but it’s good to experiment.
My love for the TV show The Sentinel makes any excuse to have people clink glasses on a balcony seem like a good idea (there’s a part in the second season premier where the guys clink beer bottles on their deck, and it’s very camaraderieful and comradely, and… um… that’s it, really.)
I’m calling it. This is the official end of “My Fair Lance and Eskimo.”
By the way, late on Saturday I realized I’d never run a comic last Thursday, which was truly a tragedy since I had it ready to go–I just mistyped the day it should go up. If you never saw it, it’s here.
This Thursday: a sketch. Then it’s onwards and upwards to some storylines I’m pretty excited about.
HIGGINS: They came to us prize fools, and they’re leaving the distinguished consorts of dukes and duchesses.
PICKERING: We made a real difference.
(They clink teacups.)
HIGGINS & PICKERING: To linguistics!
Lance and Eskimo walk off into the sunset.
ESKIMO: Sex, Lies, and Video Ape.
LANCE: The Ape of Things to Come.
ESKIMO: Ape Fear.
LANCE: Fear and Loathing in El Ape.
ESKIMO: What’s Eating Gilbert Ape?
LANCE: The Great Escape.
ESKIMO: We have a winner!