F-ed Up Winners of the Caption the Senator Contest

A couple of months ago, we promised a free T-shirt to the person who could best caption this picture:

Caption the Senators

The contest got great response! We recieved dozens of hilarious captions, each of which merited any amount of free L&E merchandise.

Then, in the disaster that Paul calls "The Great Windows XP Upgrade Tragedy of '01", all of the winning captions were accidentally deleted! We can't remember any of them, although sometimes we wake up from a troubled, dream-filled slumber feeling like we could almost remember one of them, and it had to do with something hilarious about that little guy in the corner.

But since that dark day, we're recieved a number of other captions. Some are good, some are bad, but nearly all are really f-ed up. Here they are, the F-ed Up Winners of the Caption the Senator Contest:

what the senators saying?

Third Runner-Up

Winner: "Buzzsawl"

what the senators saying?

Second Runner-Up

Winner: Stephen Moore

what the senators saying?

First Runner-Up

Winner: Anonymous

what the senators saying?

Third Place Winner: Janet Frieman

Congratulations! Your third-place prize, a L&E mug, is in the mail!

what the senators saying?

Second Place Winner: Jacques

Congratulations! Your second-place prize, a hive of killer bees, has already been concealed in your house!

what the senators saying?

First Place Winner: Chris Sadishagi

Congratulations! The first-place prize, a L&E T-shirt, is in the mail!