The Drinking Game Drinking Game
If you're surfing the web for drinking games, you might want to play this little game at the same time. If you've never played a drinking game, here's how to play: Follow the directions on the screen. If it says to take a drink when something happens, take a drink if that happens. You see? It's easy. And if you play this along with another drinking game, you'll get drunk twice as fast! Er.. Um... Not that we endorse drinking, au contraire! In fact, we think you should drink milk! In fact, we think you can replace alcoholic beverages with like, croutons or something, and still have almost as much fun.
By the by, this game goes best with a light, fruity whine, heavy on tannens, maybe a nice beaujolais from the left bank of the Rhine. -1 drink every time the game designer says they're not supporting alcohol -1 drink every time they suggest something else to drink instead like milk -2 drinks if they suggest something that's not even a drink like M&Ms -3 drinks if they suggest an alcoholic beverage that goes well with the game -1 drink if there's a "take one drink every time" section -2 drinks if there's a "take two drinks every time" section -3 drinks every time there's a "take three drinks every time" section -1 drink if there's a "finish the glass if" section -2 drinks if there's a "head to the liquor store if" section -3 drinks if there's a "head to the liquor store if" section and the game designer said they weren't supporting alcohol (if you take a drink when they say they're not supporting alcohol, this comes to four drinks altogether!!) -2 drinks if it's in no particular order -1 drink if the game requires you to drink every time something to happen to you, like every time you laugh -2 drinks if the game requires you to be playing with other people in the room, like every time someone else in the room laughs -1 drink if it's for a TV show -1 drink if it's for a movie -Head to the liquor store if it's for a movie and it tells you take a drink when something happens and that only happens once -2 drinks if it's for a book, book series, author, song, band, etc. -3 drinks if it's for something ridiculous, like drinking games
This game is worth 12 drinks.
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