The rules are simple. Follow one of the links below to get a random bingo board based on your favorite show. Press PRINT. Then, when you watch an episode of the show, place a penny on each plot element as it occurs. For instance, it's pretty hard to watch an episode of Xena without seeing Xena do an insane chakram feat or Gabby get captured. When you get five in a row, you win! More rules
These don't have enough squares to make bingo boards, but you can still play them as drinking games.
Deep Purple
Drinking Games
Chick Flicks
OK, there are many things besides TV to make fun of--more than are dreamed of in my simple philosophy!
That's why I thought I'd do a series of high-concept bingo boards, tackling subjects like Shakespeare, ancient Greek drama, Italian operettas, and the like.
Then I realized that I'm a big dummy! Pop culture is my only area of expertise. So the High-Concept Bingo section will stay pretty empty... unless an English Lit major happens to stumble across this page... in which case, e-mail me!
Bucho! Skewering the literary cliches of renowned Scottish novelist John Buchan.
Mozo! Think enjoying classical music makes you a snob? Take it to the next level by mocking classical music itself!