 | "I didn't know the Moon Crystal could do that!" |  |
 | Anime SfX |  |
 | Klutzy Serena |  |
 | "-- Attack!!" |  |
 | Craven Cowering |  |
 | Darien acts like a jerk |  |
 | True Love |  |
 | Molly or Melvin |  |
 | Lita's old boyfriends |  |
 | Animation by Billy, Age 8 |  |
 | Raye Snaps |  |
 | Someone has a crush on Serena or Darien (not Serena or Darien) |  |
 | Stock villain |  |
 | Inane musical number |  |
 | Oblivion |  |
 | "HUMOR" |  |
 | The Sailor Mercury Visor |  |
 | Yowzah!! |  |
 | "Why can't we all just get along?" |  |
 | Speaking with Eyes Closed |  |
 | Hands Behind Head |  |
 | Cry Me a River |  |
 | "Wow, a talking cat!" |  |
 | Irresponsible Captain Serena |  |