
The Official Sailor Moon Bingo Board

L U N O !
"I didn't know the Moon Crystal could do that!"
Anime SfX
Klutzy Serena
"-- Attack!!"
Craven Cowering
Darien acts like a jerk
True Love
Molly or Melvin
Lita's old boyfriends
Animation by Billy, Age 8
Raye Snaps
Someone has a crush on Serena or Darien (not Serena or Darien)
Free Space
Stock villain
Inane musical number
The Sailor Mercury Visor
"Why can't we all just get along?"
Speaking with Eyes Closed
Hands Behind Head
Cry Me a River
"Wow, a talking cat!"
Irresponsible Captain Serena

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Explanation of all the squares

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