| Pilfered plot | |
| Slow Motion | |
| Gabby love interest | |
| Xena identity crisis | |
| Blatant anachronism | |
| Xena chills with the gods | |
| Autolycus | |
| Grunty Guys | |
| "I have many skills." | |
| The Practice Swing | |
| Someone gets hit in the 'nads | |
| "I've just cut off the flow of blood to your brain" | |
| Insane chakram feat | |
| Fool puts moves on Xena | |
| Gabby tells lame story | |
| Moralizing | |
| Surprising flash of quality | |
| Heads knocked together | |
| Perdicas | |
| Xena reminded of her bloodthirsty past | |
| Another damn warlord | |
| Amazons | |
| Argo | |
| Xena's burlap underwear | |