Extinct Beverage Tasting:
On the can, Amp proclaims that "Only AMP has MDX5TM." A little research on Amp's Website reveals why no other energy drinks have jumped on the MDX5TM bandwagon. It's quite simple actually. It's because Amp (with Pepsi's help) made it up. That's right. MDX5TM is nothing more than a collection of chemicals and herbs that Amp lumped together and trademarked so that no other drink could use it. Even if another energy drink contained this same collection of silly sounding ingredients, it wouldn't legally be able to claim that it has MDX5TM. Only a complete jerk would do something this childish. Whoever thought of this idea is a genius jerk.
A visit to their website, if you can survive the Gen-X overdose, will answer many of the questions you may have about Amp. It will also tell you things that you could easily have figured out and other things that shake and worry you to the very core of your being. Amp's can and the beverage itself actually glow in the dark. Now I feel as though I have consumed anti-freeze.
The FAQ section of the site basically boils down to this:
Q: Why did you make Amp?
A: Basically we wanted to capture the same flavors of Mountain Dew that our consumers enjoy but we wanted to be able to make $2.00 a can as opposed to the $0.25 a can we were making from our Mountain Dew product. We feel that by adding Vitamine B-12 to it and putting it in a smaller, trendier can that we can accomplish this and you, the consumer, can get totally amped!
And now on to the tasting...