The Tasting
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It's red. It's bubbly. It's red and bubbly.
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Tizer's smell is elusive... it's a not unpleasant combination of ginger ale and Alka-Seltzer cold medicine.
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When we took hesitant sips of Tizer, we were surprised to discover that it was hardly disgusting at all. It pretty much tasted like weak ginger ale, with just a hint of lemon. But not bad at all!
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And then the aftertaste kicks in. Band-Aids. Definitely Band-Aids. And not just one or two but the whole box, in all those unusual sizes, like that square one. What's that for? If you have a cut, you use a band-aid. Ifyou have a circular wound, then I would imagine a circular Band-Aid would be in order. But when do you have a square injury? Not often enough to necessitate 25% of the Band-Aids in the world being square.
Not only is the taste Band-Aidy, but it leaves a waxy residue in your mouth, like you've been licking the little suckers. It's unfortunate that such a promising beverage should make it all the way to the 5th S and then collapse, leaving nothing behind except the feeling that you've been chewing medical waste.
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The secret to enjoying Tizer is to NEVER STOP DRINKING IT. While it's in your mouth, it's fine. Even shortly after you stop, it's fine. After you finish a bottle, you have 4 or 5 good seconds to start drinking it again before the aftertaste kicks in. We recommend you open the second bottle while you're drinking the first, since it's one of those bottles you have to unscrew by wrapping it in your shirt.
Oh, and stay away from flat Tizer... once the bubbles start to disappear, something mysterious happens to the antiseptic flavor (or "flavour") and it begins to smell and taste like wet, soggy animal.