Sprinkles and JimmiesMy brother and I came to blows yesterday while debating a serious topic. I used to be secure in my position and never imagined that someone as close as family could have a conflicting view. I was shocked and dismayed to discover the tragically ill-informed views of my brother, my own flesh and blood. The reason for our argument is simple: sprinkles and jimmies. What constitutes a jimmy? Is it defined by shape or color? I think sprinkles are small colored balls and jimmies are small colored or brown cylinders. Paul thinks sprinkles are small colored balls or cylinders and jimmies are just the brown cyliners.
The following poorly-rendered Venn diagram illustrates our positions:
The Opposition Research on this subject led me to this this bulletin board, where someone known only as "Rachel Perlow" states: "IMHO: 'Jimmies' are chocolate, while 'sprinkles' are multi-colored." I was saddened that she, too, could be so misinformed. Bob W. replied with a new opinion: "In Rhode Island there are only jimmies, whether chocolate or variegated." Obviously this is wrong, since I'm in Rhode Island and there are, in fact, sprinkles. So anything said on this bulletin board can be rejected. The Proof EXHIBIT A. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines "jimmies" as follows: jim-mies \'ji-mez\ n pl [origin unknown] (ca 1947) : tiny rod-shaped bits of usu. chocolate-flavored candy often sprinkled on ice creamWell, there you go, really. Rod-shaped is listed as a given; they are only usually chocolate flavored. So they can be color-flavored some of the time.
EXHIBIT C. A conversation with a real-life former chef!!
There ya go. I think I've proved my point adequately. So humph.