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    The Gang Scene in Detroit- An Insider's View

    by Mr. Fabulous

    As a longtime veteran of Detroit (I even live on 8 Mile Road, for those of you unimpressed with my credentials- though I used to live on 10 Mile), I feel I can give my unique insight on the Detroit gang scene. The creativity and ingenuity displayed by the local gangs in naming their groups is simply staggering. I have, prepared, a list of local gangs I know of, and reasons why their nomenclature is so astounding.

    1. Bloods and Crips
    I think they have chapters here, but I don't know since I don't really watch the news. My window of the world consists mostly of Iron Chef and the A-Team.

    2. Latin Counts
    Not only a gang, but an education-centric one to boot! The Latin Counts, I imagine, go about extolling the virtues of that most scholarly of languages. If only more gangs could take such a civic bent, when thinking up a name. Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.

    3. Shriners Sort of a gang, for old people, on small motorcycles. They're a branch of the Freemasons, a worldwide conspiracy group, and the power and influence they exercise over the city is palpable. A sample 4th of July parade:

    1:00- Fire trucks, police car, mayor.
    1:30- Shriners with monkeys.
    1:45- Shriners on small motorcycles.
    2:00- Shriners in trucks.
    2:15- Shriners in small cars.
    2:30- Shriners with small children.
    2:45- Shriners with small aliens.
    3:00- Shriners with Jesus Christ.

    4. Shiawassee Posse The Shiawassee Posse is a bunch of kids in about 8th grade or so. They used to ride their bikes around the neigborhood and try to squirt people with their supersoakers. They may not seem very potent of a force, but their name rhymes, and one time they tried to put bleach in their supersoakers, and ruined them. I think this demonstrates that they are willing to go to nearly any extreme to satisfy their ambitions. When I was in 5th grade, I hit their future gang leader in the head with a shovel, so I suppose I'm feared and respected among them. In the savage streets of the neighborhood, only force is heeded.

    5. Abraham's Gang Back when I was in high school, I once heard some kids whisper about Abraham's Gang. Maybe I misheard them, but the idea of somebody named Abraham having a gang is pretty cool.

    6. Boy Scout Troop 179 Not a very exciting name, I know, but maybe the 179 is some sort of gang number. The 1-7-9 pleases their constituency with many community service projects, but once a month, the whole gang will vanish for the weekend. Where do they go during these three-day-long jaunts? What are all those patches for?!? I buy a christmas wreath from them every year, hoping I won't have to find out.

    7. Church of Ismism This isn't technically a gang, but something me and my friend Andrew made up in eighth grade. Basically, it's a church devoted entirely to hating Sabin, a guy neither of us really knows, but lives in New York. And he's also a cannibal. I was the Assistant High Priest.

    In summary, the wealth of diversity in gang names in Detroit is nothing less than mind-blowing. This is a tiny fraction of the possible gangs and mobs in Detroit, since I don't leave my house too much besides going to work to see any of them. I do, however, get "vibes" from the "street", because I live on 8 Mile road, and I interpret them as best I can.



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