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    Angel Force II:

    by Rory

    Angel Force

    A few weeks ago, Laura developed a concept for a new anime show, Angel Force. We thought it had great promise, but frankly, the responses from the major studios have been tepid. And until we got a letter from Rory, we didn't realize the problem--we had no comic relief! Thanks, Rory, for showing us the error of our ways. I guess that makes you our "brain trust." God help us.

    Anyway, here's Rory's letter:

    Dear Laura,

    I read your whole thing about the "Angel" show. It has promise, lots of promise. However, there is one thing we all know, though we hate, just hate, sincerely dislike, to admit it; your anime won't get anywhere without some horrible, gruesome, terribly cruel comic relief. So here's my plan. Everyone loves small things right? Everyone loves young babies right? Everyone loves the son of God, don't they? Just put them together and you get BABY Jesus! Or maybe something cuter, like Jesus Jr., or "Widdul" God. Have fun with it. He can mutter really lame nonsensical things like "God willeth it", "Well, I am the son of God" (followed by a little shrug), and "Don't look at me, I'm just a baby. (wink)" (All of this in a cute baby voice.)

    To make matters more amusing, just make it so he can't quite walk on his own, so one of the other angel people has to carry him around, completely hindering her combat ability. I think the blue one would be best for this, as Jesus looked down on bloodshed in real life.

    Every episode, "Little Jesus" should sing a heartwrenching song that makes everyone want to vomit, except for the 1 or 2 people who watch who almost think it's cute. As long as 1 or 2 people don't hate it, you'll be set.

    Finally, to tie things into a nice little package, "Jesus Jr" should say things from the Bible that Jesus said, like "The Lord is my shepherd," and follow them by a sickening laugh. Then everyone laughs, and the show ends. It'll be sweet.

    Please think this over, and send a response. I wish you luck with incorporating "Christ-opher" into the plot, and I know you can do it. Write back soon.


    Very interesting thought, Rory! Incorporating Baby Jesus into the show would be a great way to reach out to Christian viewers. But after careful consideration, we have decided that Baby Jesus might be too darn delightful for our viewers to handle. We have opted to go with a bouncing sheep instead.


    (If you enjoyed this article and would like to have some more Baby Jesus fun, click here.)



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