Gullible's Complete Travels
by: Chefelf
In the summer of 1993 Paul, Nate and Laura went to England. We'd like to say that after three weeks we returned to the United States with a better understanding of English life and culture. Unfortunately we were young and stupid so all we came back with was stories about hanging around the place we stayed watching "Telly". Also we went to see Jurrasic Park... great flick!
Nate kept a journal of his travels in Great Britain... Paul and Laura kept similar books but filled them with silly drawings. Presented here for the first time is Chef "Nate" Elf's English Travel Journals.... enjoy.
[The words in red are the words of Present Day Nate. You don't think that's too vain do you?]
An Open Apology to Laura
Hey kid. In reading this for the first time you may be shocked by what you read. You were younger than us so we made you do the dishes. You worshiped us so we made you clean up after us. You were smaller than us so we cheated you out of money. Hopefully it's just all water under the bridge, right kiddo? The thing is when we got back to America, you were 7 and we were 15 and 17. You got a book published shortly after and we sent our manuscripts to publishers hearing nothing for years (although I think Kopper Bear Press is still considering Storm Over the Empire). And here we are eight years later and we're sitting here uploading things onto a website that you started. You won. We lost. Hope there's no hard feelings.
07-22-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Twenty-Three: Our journey home. 06-18-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Twenty-Two: We hang out in Reading and get into a car accident! 06-17-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Twenty-One: This beginning of a double feature to get these damn travel journals over with. Our "adventure" begins in Birmingham and we see lots of pictures of Lady Godiva in Coventry. 04-22-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Twenty: Our journey to Wales where Laura throws up on me! 03-25-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Nineteen: We see actual Roman Ruins and Laura bathes a plastic dinosaur! 03-11-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Eighteen: My spelling lesson for Laura at the stone circles. 01-07-02 Gullible's Travels: Day Seventeen: The day we played a lot of poker and I killed a bug! 12-10-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Sixteen: Exploding popcorn and a whole lot of Telly. 11-19-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Fifteen: We actually see "Jurassic Park" this time and go to freakin' Burger King for lunch. 10-29-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Fourteen: Our tour of Freud's house is cut short because we don't want to miss the matinee showing of "Jurassic Park"! But we do anyway. 09-17-01 Gullible's Travels: Day 13: Stephen Fry on Telly and lunch in Burger King... again. 08-10-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Twelve: Dinner at Garfunkel's (not as cool as it sounds) and we meet the Queen! 07-27-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Eleven: Burger King, Sean Connery and Paul's 17th birthday! 07-13-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Ten: Paul and I hike through some woods and then see the movie "Django." 06-29-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Nine: Our trip see the Phantom of the Opera and our quest to find Paddington Bear! 06-15-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Eight: We go to the Imperial War Museum and eat at Starburger! 06-01-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Seven: We go to see "Les Miserables" and I teach Laura to worship me! 05-18-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Six: Our trip to Oxford where we... *sigh* buy art supplies. 05-04-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Five: I get yelled at in Westminster Abbey and finally get off my ass and have a crumpet. 04-20-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Four: The day we discovered Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and doner Kebabs. 04-06-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Three: Read about us eating Sultana Bran and playing poker. 03-30-01 Gullible's Travels: Day Two: Our arrival in England and the beginning of our bout with jet lag. 03-23-01 Gullible's Travels: Day One: Paul, Nate and Laura depart on their journey across the Atlantic.
